Welcome to CMS Prodex
CMS Prodex is a trustworthy name which provides software solutions, consulting services and training in petroleum & renewable energy bussines.
Our software portfolio covers intermittent operation of oil, gas and gas-condensate wells, provides integrated modeling of the highly unsteady-state intermittent operation. The marginal and cost ineffective wells, by applying our integrated software solution, become highly effective and more productive. Numerous worldwide cases confirm that oil and gas production can be increased for 10-15% and gas injection lowered for 20-25%. CMS Prodex also offers training and consulting services in various areas of petroleum business (upstream and downstream).
The presence of CMS Prodex personnel working with your field team, could even improve production and energy efficiency above the mentioned percentages.
We integrate critical petroleum industry information with technology and applications to meet the needs of widely spread users of the petroleum industry. These tools enable our customers to integrate our information and their proprietary information within their workflows and business processes. Our decision-support tools range from easy-to-use “browse and search” applications to sophisticated engineering tools that optimize production activities and improve production yields.
We are fully equipped and ready to meet all your perspective requirements and needs.